Issue 13.1 brings you four excellent research articles by early career researchers, including the winner of the 2022 BACS Early Career Researcher Prize, Fei Huang.They are complemented by a set of ...

We are excited to present this special issue on Games and Gaming in China and the Sinophone World, featuring seven original research articles alongside four short essays, all submitted in response ...

This issue comes out during a continuing global pandemic, carrying a mixed sense of hope, despair and frustration. As we are witnessing the surge of a new COVID-19 variant, world politics cannot ha...

This issue falls into two thematic sections, one on the politics of Chinese identities, the other on art and collections. The first part deals with possibly the most pertinent topic in Chinese stud...

Issue 10 provides a mix of three research articles and sixteen responses to our question "What use is Chinese studies in a pandemic" The selected pieces address the question from a full range of d...

Issue 9.2 provides and exciting collection of articles showcasing the diverse range of British Chinese studies. Leon Rocha addresses the history and historiography of sexual knowle...

Issue 9.1 focuses on Chinese female (academic) identities in a variety of different contexts. Li Meng asks in what ways well-educated Chinese women are stigmatised in popular cultu...

Amy Xiaofan Li explores the notion of you 游 in the Zhuangzi and Six Dynasties literati writing, revealing the differences and similarities between its conceptua...

This issue marks the start of our regular bi-annual publication. It opens with an article by Kailing Xie, the winner of the 2017 BACS Early Career Researcher Prize, writing on prem...

In this bumper issue Lauren Dickey examines four elements of strategic tradition in the cross-Strait relationship, Vivienne Guo looks at the post-war political reo...

Pamela Hunt, our very first winner of the BACS Early Career Researcher Prize, provides the first English-language analysis and close reading of Xu Zechen’s work, arguing that we ...

Lan Yang investigates the language of official literature produced during the Cultural Revolution, concentrating on linguo-stylistic characteristics of sentences with an aim to exp...

In issue 4
Qi Zhang analyses the feminine language style widely used on the Internet by the younger generation in China and suggests that they are likely to accept and adopt...

Issue 3 in which…
Shih-chen Chao adopts Bourdieu’s notion of the literary field to analyse Qidian Zhongwen Wang as a case study to demonstrate the shift in the roles of...

Issue 2 in which…
Ivy Maria Lim writes on the 1567 change in Ming dynasty prohibition on maritime trade against the backdrop of increasing woku or Japanese piracy...

In this inaugural issue of the Journal, Paul Bailey examines the recruitment by Britain and France of almost 14,000 Chinese labourers to work in France during World War One and con...